
Effectively immediately ioquake3 will be dropping the established rendering path of OpenGL and moving directly into the future of gaming, rendering through a text editor. We realize this decision may come as shocking to some, but with increased competition from browser-based games like id software’s Quake Live, we must compete on a whole new level.
So, I have started by creating an SVN branch for the new rendering conduit and all support for OpenGL rendering will be dropped along with LibSDL support. We’re especially happy about dropping LibSDL support since we realize that everyone who has used our LibSDL version of Icculus Quake has hated the mouse responsiveness and the way it inserts DRM into the rendering channel. Eliminating that kind of drama will really set the project free.
Therefor, I present to you, the gaming public, and screaming Icculus Quake 3 fanboys, VI-OQUAKE3:
(screen shot after the break)


11 responses to “vi-oquake3”

  1. Spotted 🙂
    I’m retwitting this !

  2. Romano Avatar

    I know it’s just an April Fools joke, but the idea doesn’t look as stupid as it seem (at least for me). I don’t know how smooth would be the gameplay, but playing q3, without 3D gfx acceleration, better than that, no 3D gfx at all, would be very cool 😀 All those old MUD games could hide in shame when compared to this 😉 Really, the only thing that doesn’t look too convincing in this screenshot is that text is unreadable 😛 Simplifying a few things would let the hud look more readable. The rest looks just sweet 🙂
    This idea (even as a joke) isn’t really that stupid, especially compared to a Quake2 engine modification known as “Quake II AbSIRD” (should be “Quake II AbSURD” ;P ), which is totally unplayable, cuz no matter how hard I try, I can’t see a damn thing 😛

  3. DoubleD Avatar

    HA-HA! Good one! 😀

  4. That is awesome. I’m going to tell all my friends. Hang on. Let me find my glasses.

  5. You’re making a huge mistake supporint rendering in vi. Emacs is clearly the superior rendering engine. And NO UNICODE! Keep it straight ASCII or you’re be hearing from me on Slashdot.

  6. […] Aquí tenemos el futuro de los videojuegos en el navegador, o no y además tampoco. Gracias a la liberación del código del motor de Quake 3 Arena la comunidad ha ido realizado con suma facilidad modificaciones y nuevos juegos, o como en el tema que nos ocupa ahora, una versión totalmente ajare de Quake 3 Arena renderizado unicamente con texto, a base de caracteres vamos. Vamos, esto se tiene que mover en PC´s ultramodestos a las mil maravillas. Aunque quizás, probablemente haya que entornar demasiado los ojillos para poder adivinar exactamente que es lo que tenemos delante… y no se yo si alguna visitilla al oculista si abusamos de ello. Renderizado en vi, como dirían los gafapásticos, con todo el respeto. […]

  7. […] primeiro foi a radical decisión dos desenvolvedores do motor ioquake3 de desfacerse do renderizador actual de OpenGL (aceleración en tres dimensións) […]

  8. […] renamed as Battlefield Dörk – – Buy My Wii Buddy – Alganon renamed as Bloom Online. – ioquake3 drops OpenGL support – Unreal Tournament 3 Beta Leaked. – Metal Gear Solid 4 April Fools 2009 Trailer. – Qualcomm […]

  9. Wow, would really like to play it, when it is going to be available? :DD

  10. It looks good. However, a SDL software render (like the quake2’s one) is a better idea.

  11. Why vi-oquake3? Its common sense that could run faster as emacs-ioquake3… 😉